Carfentanil Through the Years: A Look at Data From 2016-2024

By Stuart Kurtz, D-ABFT-FT Last month, Axis was represented at the Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring’s annual meeting. Toxicologist Stuart Kurtz gave a presentation on the lab’s detections of carfentanil since Axis started testing for...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Testing

By Kevin Shanks, M.S., D-ABFT-FT To quantify or not? That is the question. If you regularly read forensic toxicology reports, then you know laboratory tests can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative tests only provide a positive/present or negative result. ...

Change to PRESENT Reporting

In the spirit of continuous improvement, we’d like to make you aware of a change that you will see on final toxicology reports beginning April 15th, 2024.  Currently, when the qualitative result of “PRESENT” appears on a final toxicology report, it appears in black...

Comprehensive Panel & Novel Substance Expansion

Dear Valued Client, In the spirit of continuous improvement and to provide the most relevant testing possible, we’re announcing a host of changes to our panels beginning on January 22nd, 2024. The changes are briefly outlined below: Additionally as a reminder,...