Dear Valued Client,
In the spirit of continuous improvement, to provide the most relevant panels and tests in the industry, our products are periodically updated to provide new and relevant offerings. It is with that goal in mind that we announce an update to our 44050: Cannabinoids, Blood Order Code. This panel, and likewise the 70510: Comprehensive Panel with Analyte Assurance and 70530: Drugs of Abuse Panel, will include Delta-8 THC and 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC beginning with orders placed on or after July 17th, 2023. You can always find the most recent publication for our panel offerings on our Test Catalog, found at
The cannabis industry continues to grow and with it, new challenges arise as laws and regulations change surrounding it. One such challenge is the rise of different cannabinoid isomers being sold to try and circumvent these laws. Delta-8-THC, pictured below beside delta-9-THC, is one such isomer that has gained attention.
The claim of manufacturers and sellers is that the isomer exists in a legal gray area due to the 2018 Farm Bill. We are toxicologists, not lawyers or lawmakers, so we cannot give our opinion on whether this is correct or not. No matter what is decided, the compound is being widely sold and may be relevant to your casework and we can help with the toxicology of that.
Delta-8-THC is very similar to delta-9-THC which is considered the primary component in cannabis products. Its potency is less than that of delta-9-THC but has a similar psychoactive effect. The metabolism of each produces an 11-hydroxy-THC metabolite which is an active metabolite. This is further metabolized into a carboxylic acid metabolite, 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC.
The cannabinoids that occur naturally are not going to typically be contributing directly to cause of death. The presence of such substances may indicate that the individual was under the influence but toxicology testing alone cannot be used to determine if an individual was under the influence. Toxicology results must be paired with the scene investigation and witness statements to make this determination.
If you have any questions regarding these new analytes and application to your casework, please reach out to us via email at [email protected] or via phone at 317-759-4869 option 3.